DOLENNU rhwydwaith cymunedol community network
Ymchwilwyr Llechen Lân
Clean Slate Researchers
DRAFT Information pack for community researcher role
Ref: DRAFT-Community Researcher Information Pack v3 Eng 18 01 25
About the project
The valleys of Conwy, Ogwen, Ffestiniog and Nantlle, are pioneering a model of community led social, economic, cultural and environmental development.
Communities across these valleys are taking their future into their own hands. There are now 25 social enterprises across the valleys addressing a wide range of important issues and providing good quality livelihoods for local people. Ffestiniog now has the highest proportion jobs per capita of anywhere in the UK.
UK Research and Innovation provided 12 months of funding to explore how a community research network could help communities in the slate valleys have more voice and control on the issues which matter to them, support community dialogue and development, and build a prosperous and sustainable future. We are now moving on to phase two of this process.
A project team made up of representatives from Llwybr Llechi Eryri (the Snowdonia Slate Trail), Partneriaeth Ogwen, Siop Griffiths CYF and Cwmni Bro Ffestiniog supported by academics from Foundational Economy Ltd and the public education charity Economy have been meeting since November to explore what this work could look like.
We have decided to explore what communities in these valleys feel they need to be able to understand, reimagine and ultimately shape tourism in Conwy and Gwynedd in the future so that it delivers what is important to us all.
One in five people in Conwy and Gwynedd are employed in the tourism sector but often the work is low paid, insecure and seasonal. The rise of Airbnb and short-term holiday lets could be making housing harder to get for local people and meaning tourists spend less in the region.
How tourism develops in Conwy and Gwynedd over the next decade will have a huge impact on tourism in the slate valleys and so it’s worth us working out what we want from it and how we can achieve it.
We will conduct research into tourism in Conwy and Gwynedd and look at alternative models of tourism in other parts of Wales and the world that we could learn from. We will facilitate community conversations and research to understand what slate valleys’ communities want from tourism in the region and where there are opportunities to influence how it develops.
We will then analyse and share the findings from these conversations with our communities, Local Authority, Welsh Government and key stakeholders. We'll develop a plan for how we could expand this community research over the next five years.
We’re looking for
We are recruiting a team of six to eight local people from the valleys of Conwy, Ogwen, Ffestiniog and Nantlle to join the project team as ‘community researchers’ for this work. We will pay community researchers for up to 10 hours a month between November 24 and September 25. Providing an introduction and training in community research and working together to design project group design.
We would like to work with people who:
What you’ll get from taking part
Our contacts
If you would like to find out more about this project, please contact:
To take part you’ll need
To be able to access the internet to join online meetings and access
To be available certain dates:
Regular online and in person events in your area
4 workshops: 30 November 2024, 15 February 2025, June 2025 and Sep 2025
1 conference: 29 April 25
Have a willingness to work together and set a culture that we are all happy with.
Explore our main threads, plan the research and carry out the agreed research with the help of our academic advisors.
How to work with me
We would like to understand how you operate and how we can best work together. Some questions to consider:
The valleys of Conwy, Ogwen, Ffestiniog and Nantlle, are pioneering a model of community led social, economic, cultural and environmental development.
Communities across these valleys are taking their future into their own hands. There are now 25 social enterprises across the valleys addressing a wide range of important issues and providing good quality livelihoods for local people. Ffestiniog now has the highest proportion jobs per capita of anywhere in the UK.
UK Research and Innovation provided 12 months of funding to explore how a community research network could help communities in the slate valleys have more voice and control on the issues which matter to them, support community dialogue and development, and build a prosperous and sustainable future. We are now moving on to phase two of this process.
A project team made up of representatives from Llwybr Llechi Eryri (the Snowdonia Slate Trail), Partneriaeth Ogwen, Siop Griffiths CYF and Cwmni Bro Ffestiniog supported by academics from Foundational Economy Ltd and the public education charity Economy have been meeting since November to explore what this work could look like.
We have decided to explore what communities in these valleys feel they need to be able to understand, reimagine and ultimately shape tourism in Conwy and Gwynedd in the future so that it delivers what is important to us all.
One in five people in Conwy and Gwynedd are employed in the tourism sector but often the work is low paid, insecure and seasonal. The rise of Airbnb and short-term holiday lets could be making housing harder to get for local people and meaning tourists spend less in the region.
How tourism develops in Conwy and Gwynedd over the next decade will have a huge impact on tourism in the slate valleys and so it’s worth us working out what we want from it and how we can achieve it.
We will conduct research into tourism in Conwy and Gwynedd and look at alternative models of tourism in other parts of Wales and the world that we could learn from. We will facilitate community conversations and research to understand what slate valleys’ communities want from tourism in the region and where there are opportunities to influence how it develops.
We will then analyse and share the findings from these conversations with our communities, Local Authority, Welsh Government and key stakeholders. We'll develop a plan for how we could expand this community research over the next five years.
We’re looking for
We are recruiting a team of six to eight local people from the valleys of Conwy, Ogwen, Ffestiniog and Nantlle to join the project team as ‘community researchers’ for this work. We will pay community researchers for up to 10 hours a month between November 24 and September 25. Providing an introduction and training in community research and working together to design project group design.
We would like to work with people who:
- Have commitment to the people of Conwy and Gwynedd
- Are open to ideas and keen to learn
- Are collaborative and able to work well in a team
- Are willing to speak their mind and good at listening to others
- Represent the diversity of these communities
What you’ll get from taking part
- Pay each community researcher up to £200 per month, with additional expenses also available eg childcare, travel and technical support
Payment can be made in vouchers to reward you for your time and expertise - Gain transferable skills and confidence in designing and conducting community research which can strengthen applications for work or education
- Learn about the impact of tourism in Conwy and Gwynedd, how it could be different and what our communities can do to shape it, so it works for them
- Meet other like-minded people and build relationships with others in your community
- Join a growing community of people the four valleys trying to shape the future of the region in positive ways
Our contacts
If you would like to find out more about this project, please contact:
- Conwy [email protected]
- Ffestiniog [email protected]
- Nantlle [email protected]
- Ogwen [email protected]
- Project Lead Jo Quinney [email protected]
To take part you’ll need
To be able to access the internet to join online meetings and access
To be available certain dates:
Regular online and in person events in your area
4 workshops: 30 November 2024, 15 February 2025, June 2025 and Sep 2025
1 conference: 29 April 25
Have a willingness to work together and set a culture that we are all happy with.
Explore our main threads, plan the research and carry out the agreed research with the help of our academic advisors.
How to work with me
We would like to understand how you operate and how we can best work together. Some questions to consider:
- How do I best process information? For example, big picture, little details, asking questions or the whole scenario.
- How do I think and problem solve?
- What are the best ways to communicate with me? For example, email, Zoom or WhatsApp
- Do I have certain times of the day when I’m more reachable or prefer to be reached?
Orientation, Researching, Sharing & learning
An indication of time that might be spent
This indication is based upon One Researcher in a Valley Group where there are 8 researchers, and they share the hours evenly. Some valleys might have fewer researchers doing more hours.
Your valley group has a budget for the year to spend on Slate Researcher hours. This spend should be planned in your group, it is flexible and designed to meet the needs of your group and research.
This indication is based upon One Researcher in a Valley Group where there are 8 researchers, and they share the hours evenly. Some valleys might have fewer researchers doing more hours.
Your valley group has a budget for the year to spend on Slate Researcher hours. This spend should be planned in your group, it is flexible and designed to meet the needs of your group and research.
Interactive working and sharing
We are looking at Trello, Padlet and Momo to find an interactive list making, thought sharing board. More information and training to follow.
Whats App Group
For sharing articles, project news and meeting dates we have a WhatsApp Group ‘Ymchwil Llechen Lân / Clean Slate Tourism. Use this link to join:
Google share
Documents relating to workshops and general information are available in the folder ‘Dolennu - Slate Researcher Docs 2024 Oct’
We are looking at Trello, Padlet and Momo to find an interactive list making, thought sharing board. More information and training to follow.
Whats App Group
For sharing articles, project news and meeting dates we have a WhatsApp Group ‘Ymchwil Llechen Lân / Clean Slate Tourism. Use this link to join:
Google share
Documents relating to workshops and general information are available in the folder ‘Dolennu - Slate Researcher Docs 2024 Oct’
Who’s Who
We are working on a governance document. The DRAFT is available in the Slate Resercher Docs ‘Copy of Dolennu Governance GE v1 10 01 25’
We are working on a governance document. The DRAFT is available in the Slate Resercher Docs ‘Copy of Dolennu Governance GE v1 10 01 25’
Consent form for photography/filming and data sharing
Dolennu Project Reading List
Report on community research findings in the three slate valleys
Cynllun datblygu busnes Ardal Llechi
Ardal Llechi Business Development Plan
Economi Ymweld Cynaliadwy Gwynedd ac Eryri 2035 Cynllun Strategol
Gwynedd and Eryri Sustainable Visitor Economy 2035 Strategic plan
Llwybr Llechi Eryri Adroddiad Ymchwil
Snowdonia Slate Trail Investigation Report
Fair tourism as part of an economic eco system and a social movement.
Beyond fair tourism as a badge for individual applicants who met specific criteria.
Briffiau Twristiaeth – Prosiect Dyffrynnoedd (Cymoedd) Llechi Ymchwil ac Arloesi yn y Deyrnas Unedig (UKRI) Dolennu (2023)
Tourism Briefings – UKRI Dolennu Slate Valleys Project (2023)
Twristiaeth yng Ngwynedd ac Eryri
Tourism in Gwynedd and Eryri
3. Llwybrau cerdded
Walking Trails
2. Twristiaeth gymunedol
Community tourism outside and in the Slate Valleys
1. Tourism as it is in Gwynedd
Cynllun datblygu busnes Ardal Llechi
Ardal Llechi Business Development Plan
Economi Ymweld Cynaliadwy Gwynedd ac Eryri 2035 Cynllun Strategol
Gwynedd and Eryri Sustainable Visitor Economy 2035 Strategic plan
Llwybr Llechi Eryri Adroddiad Ymchwil
Snowdonia Slate Trail Investigation Report
Fair tourism as part of an economic eco system and a social movement.
Beyond fair tourism as a badge for individual applicants who met specific criteria.
Briffiau Twristiaeth – Prosiect Dyffrynnoedd (Cymoedd) Llechi Ymchwil ac Arloesi yn y Deyrnas Unedig (UKRI) Dolennu (2023)
Tourism Briefings – UKRI Dolennu Slate Valleys Project (2023)
Twristiaeth yng Ngwynedd ac Eryri
Tourism in Gwynedd and Eryri
3. Llwybrau cerdded
Walking Trails
2. Twristiaeth gymunedol
Community tourism outside and in the Slate Valleys
1. Tourism as it is in Gwynedd