DOLENNU Llwybr Llechi Eryri Snowdonia Slate Trail
Llwybr Llechi Eryri Adroddiad Ymchwil Crynodeb Mae Llwybr Llechi Eryri yn llwybr cerdded hir sy’n mynd trwy rai o ardaloedd llai poblogaidd ond prydferth Eryri, Gogledd Cymru, gan groesi pob un o’r prif gadwyni o fynyddoed a chynnig ystod o brofiadau o fynydd i goedwig, llyn i afon, o'r dyffryn i'r môr. Fe’i datblygwyd a’i lansiwyd yn 2017, gyda chefnogaeth ystod eang o randdeiliaid cymunedol, gan groesi gwahanol siroedd a thiroedd sy’n berchen i lawer o wahanol berchnogion, trwy gysylltu’n strategol a chyfeirbwyntio cyfres o Hawliau Tramwy Cyhoeddus sefydledig. Mae’r Llwybr yn cysylltu cyfres sylweddol o gymunedau y mae eu diwylliant a’u treftadaeth wedi’u dylanwadu’n aruthrol gan, ac weithiau wedi’u seilio ar, fwy na dwy ganrif o ddiwydiant llechi, sydd bellach wedi lleihau a newid yn sylweddol ond eto’n dal i fodoli gyda pheth cynhyrchiant i’w weld. I’r cymunedau hyn mae’r newid mewn ffocws ar gyflogaeth leol a thwf ac amrywiaeth twristiaeth wedi dod â’i heriau, yn enwedig i ddiwylliant ac iaith Cymru. Wrth baratoi a chynllunio ar gyfer y symudiad economaidd a diwylliannol tuag at dwristiaeth gynaliadwy, mae grwpiau rhanddeiliaid amrywiol yn cydnabod gwerth strategol Llwybr Llechi Eryri trwy gysylltiadau rhwng cymunedau’r dirwedd dreftadaeth lechi a’i phroffil posibl yn y ardal. Nod yr astudiaeth ymchwil hon oedd nodi pa fanteision economaidd y mae hyn a llwybrau tebyg eraill yn eu creu. Ceisiodd yr astudiaeth amcangyfrif faint o bobl sy'n defnyddio'r Llwybr (ar gyfer cael amcangyfrifon pellach o fudd economaidd). Trwy arolygon a chyfweliadau, eglurodd yr astudiaeth sut y gallai busnesau fod yn elwa nawr, a hefyd pa gyfleusterau eraill sydd eu hangen ar ddefnyddwyr llwybrau nawr ac yn y dyfodol. Mae’r elfen o’r ymchwil oedd yn ymwneud â gweithio gyda’r Ymchwilwyr Llechi Cymunedol i ymchwilio i sut y gallai LLE feithrin yr iaith Gymraeg a’i diwylliant ymhellach, yn dangos canlyniadau sy’n awgrymu camau gweithredu gan nifer o sefydliadau a busnesau a gafodd eu cyfweld. Mae hyn yn cynnwys byrddau dehongli dwyieithog wedi’u harwain gan gynnwys cymunedol, cymysgedd o brofiadau digidol a throchi byw, rhaglen thematig sampl 1 diwrnod, cydweithredu pellach â rhanddeiliaid, a datblygu ac integreiddio polisïau iaith Gymraeg cryf i mewn i reolaeth y Llwybr. |
Snowdonia Slate Trail Investigation Report Summary/abstract The Snowdonia Slate Trail is a long-distance hiking route passing through some of the less frequented but beautiful parts of Snowdonia, North Wales, traversing each of the major mountain ranges, and offering a range of experiences from mountain to forest, lake to river, from the valley to the sea. It was developed and launched in 2017, through the support of a wide range of community stakeholders, crossing different counties and lands owned by many different owners, by strategically linking and waymarking a series of pre-existing established Public Rights of Way. The route connects a significant series of communities whose culture and heritage has each been hugely influenced by and sometimes founded upon more than two centuries of slate industry, now much reduced and changed yet still with some production in evidence. For these communities the shift in the focus of local employment and the growth and diversification of tourism has brought its challenges, especially to Welsh culture and language. In preparing and planning for the economic and cultural shift towards sustainable tourism, the various stakeholder groups recognised the strategic value of the Snowdonia Slate Trail through links between the communities of the slate heritage landscape and its potential profile in the region. This research study set out to identify what economic benefits this and other comparable trails create. The study sought to estimate how many people use the trail (from which to derive further estimates of economic benefit). Through surveys and interviews the study elucidated how businesses may be benefitting now, and also what other facilities current and future trail users need. An element of the research which involved working with the community slate researchers to investigate how the SST could further nurture the Welsh language and culture, returned results suggesting actions from a number of interviewed organisations and businesses. This included bilingual interpretation and community content led information boards, a mix of digital and live immersive experiences, a sample1-day thematic itinerary, further stakeholder collaborations and developing and integrating strong Welsh language polices into the trail’s management. |